Become our Hero of the Oceans, donate now and help us to preserve the marine environment!

There are several ways you can support our conservation mission. Below we list a few:
- By acquiring our merchandising in our online shop;
- Giving a monetary donation, by filling the form below;
- Funding the maintenance of our equipment;
- Donation of equipment (check our Wishlist);
- Sponsorship of an equipment purchase.
As a way of appreciating your support you’ll receive a personalised certification of donation!
Your contribution ensures we are able to continue outreach and conservation efforts in the Algarve and beyond.
If you know a company or someone that might want to help us, please let us know.
Donation payments can be made via:
- PayPal (at
- Bank transfer
- The donate form below
Bank Details:
Beneficiary Name: AIMM – Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho
IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 2272 0882 0201 5
Bank Name: Banco Santander Totta, SA
Bank Address: Praça Alvalade 2 B, 1700-035 Lisboa, Portugal
Become a Hero of the Oceans!
Purchase the products we have designed for you in our online store and help us to preserve the marine environment.