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New Project in Portugal

The environmental education program “NauticinBlu”, created by Marevivo with the longstanding support of the MSC Foundation of the MSC Group, arrived in Portugal for the first time on May 2024, organized by AIMM.

The Project took place in Almada, Lisbon district, from the 20th to the 23rd of May, with the aim is to boost nautical institutes students’ understanding of the complex relationship between economic growth, ecological transition and a more sustainable management of the Planet. As future professionals of the sea, it is crucial to invest in the potential of these young people as key advocates and champions for change.

In Portugal, 144 students from 8th and 10th year from Escola Secundária Anselmo de Andrade participated in four days of activities

Know more about the Project here.

Photos © AIMM, André Ferreira

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