Nauticinblu Project in Portugal

The environmental education program “Nauticinblu”, created by Marevivo with the longstanding support of the MSC Foundation of the MSC Group, arrived in Portugal for the first time on May 2024, organized by AIMM.
The Project took place in Almada, Lisbon district, from the 20th to the 23rd of May, with the aim is to boost nautical institutes students’ understanding of the complex relationship between economic growth, ecological transition and a more sustainable management of the Planet. As future professionals of the sea, it is crucial to invest in the potential of these young people as key advocates and champions for change.
In this regard, Marevivo’s educational exhibition “Only One: One Planet, One Ocean, One Health,” created in collaboration with the Italian Navy and the Fondazione Anton Dohrn in Naples – and illustrating key points of an effective ecological transition – will be hosted by all the schools involved in the project.

This year, “Nauticinblu” will involve 20 Nautical Institutes in Italy and will expand in Europe: apart from Portugal also in Greece and Spain.
In Portugal 144 students from the 8th and 10th year from the Escola Secundária Anselmo de Andrade participated in four days of activities, starting on the European Maritime Day with dolphin watching in the Sado Estuary, with the company Vertigem Azul;

they also carried out an educational peddipaper where they had to coordinate movements and knowledge; finishing these days with the joint painting of a mural alluding to the ecosystems and marine species observed, in order to perpetuate the message of protecting the marine environment in their school. This mural was created by the artist Flavio Caporali (@caporaliflavio) who coordinated its execution with the students.

Flavio is inspired by the colors and movement of the sea, but his work has another purpose: «Painting a mural of the sea with children and young people is more than brushstrokes and colors in a beautiful composition; It’s about everything around it, reminding participants and everyone who passes by, of the importance that marine ecosystems have for life on Earth.”
On the World Environment Day, June 5th, the final closing event of the project took place at the Escola Secundária Anselmo de Andrade, with the delivery of the students’ certificates and the signing of the mural by the participating classes. This event also served to share experiences and disseminate the project’s message to the entire school and community.

Photos © AIMM, André Ferreira
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