Last week, part of the AIMM team went to the 35th annual European Cetacean Society Conference, which took place in Catania, Italy.

Our Researcher Alicia Quirin presented her poster “Does exceeding the legally permissible number of vessels impact feeding and socialising in bottlenose and common dolphins off southern Portugal?”
More info on this communication here.

Our Researcher Miguel Martins gave an oral presentation about “Estimating densities and total abundance of four small dolphin species in a significant portion of the North Atlantic.”
More info on this communication here.

Our PhD student Claudia Erber presented her poster “Whistles production of common dolphins during specific behavioral contexts in two regions of Portugal (Algarve and Lisbon Coast).”
More info on this communication here.

Our student Luke Ainsworth presented his poster “Influence of benthic topography on minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) presence in the south coast of Portugal.”
More info on this communication here.
We also got the chance to see a lot of our past interns presenting their work on cetaceans, which makes the whole team very proud!
Check all the info on our communications during this conference here.
See you in the ECS 2025 in Ponta Delgada, Azores (Portugal)!